What are worship services like?
Alger Park Church is a community called together around the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are made up of all kinds of people - lifelong Christ-followers, new believers, and those who are curious to learn more.
Our services are liturgical, engaging, and personable. We incorporate a variety of instruments, traditions, and styles in our services. We want our worship to inspire us to do and to be something more. |
What will my children do during the service?
Nursery is provided for children infants through two years old. Three and four year olds are dropped off at Little Lambs before the morning service. Five and six year olds begin worshipping with the adults and are later dismissed to participate in Children’s Worship. Members of our hospitality team, who will greet you at the door, will help you and your kids find your way.
Where should I park?
Our main parking lot is behind our building on Walsh Street. Additional parking is permitted on the side streets around the church building.
Accessible parking is located in our small parking lot off of Eastern Avenue. Those who need accessible access may also be dropped off under the canopy on Eastern Avenue. |
When should I arrive?
How will I know where to go once I arrive? Who will help answer my questions at church? Our Sunday service starts at 9:30 AM, but you may want to arrive 15-20 minutes early on your first visit. Members of our hospitality team, who will greet you at the door, will help you find your way.
Am I expected to give money if I visit?
You are never obligated to give at Alger Park Church. If you are new, please let the offering plate pass unless you would like to contribute. We hope that as people get involved with our church, they are led to be generous in a variety of ways--offering their time, talent, and resources.